Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Learning And Transformation Of Learners - 821 Words

From the figure above in 2007-2011, 359,047 male children left school, higher than 1997-2000 with only 60,267 boys who left. Female children out of school were higher between 2007 and 20011 comprising 289,874 in total than 76, 866 in 1997-2000 (World Bank, 2011). This is a reminder for the need of added value and quality attractive for learning and transformation of learners. When it comes to poverty experience during an educational journey, children from working family background did not suffer from the education process. Working families ensure an improved education for their children differently from poor families â€Å"Personally, I had all school needs, my parents were working. I work hard for my children too. I know the value of education, so I’m working to ensure that my children acquire the education they deserve. I am employed.† One participant noted. Although she had a â€Å"pleasant experience† as (Van Manen, 2014) put it in her educational journey, s he indicates what (Van Manen, 2014) once again called â€Å"unpleasant experience† (Kindle Location 2479), regarding poor children’s education. The participants noted that â€Å"But there are poor children. I can see little children asking to wash dishes for payment instead of going to school, a child who is supposed to be in primary school asking for a house work, skipping school [†¦].† She continues that although the law does not allow child labor, but still Children involve in employment [†¦]. If someone found employing a schoolShow MoreRelatedLearning And Transformation Of Learners771 Words   |  4 Pagesleft. Female children out of school were higher between 2007 and 20011 comprising 289,874 in total than 76, 866 in 1997-2000 (World Bank, 2011). 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